Is it OK to be proud of someone or some achievement without be criticized for announcing how we feel. I do not over state the accomplishment but we were discussing children's grades and I stated my grandson had been on the Deans list for the last three years. I was proud of his achievement but was immediately jumped upon as ,Oh boy he has a genius in the family.
I think it's fine to be proud about accomplishments. You will always get a jealous person or some schmuck to turn it into something negative. Like you said, if you don't overstate it or mention it constantly then I think it's perfectly fine.
fuck what people say. its natural to be proud
If you contributed to his achievement, then you have reason to be proud. If you didn't, I would say not.
Why can't someone be proud of the achievements of someone they love?
Even if they didn't contribute to the achievement.
What?? That sounds like some anti-intellectual and/or sour grapes garbage to me.
It is absolutely okay to be proud of your family! There's a huge difference between highlighting the accomplishments of someone of whom you are proud and selfishly using someone else's accomplishments to aggrandize yourself.
People who legitimately can't tell the difference have a worrisome lack of social literacy. People who can tell the difference--but act like they can't, to advance a petty agenda--are distressingly manipulative.