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Is it OK to be proud of someone or some achievement without be criticized for announcing how we feel. I do not over state the accomplishment but we were discussing children's grades and I stated my grandson had been on the Deans list for the last three years. I was proud of his achievement but was immediately jumped upon as ,Oh boy he has a genius in the family.

Marine 8 Jan 23

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You should be proud! And shame on any one who makes you feel bad about it.


I think it's fine to be proud about accomplishments. You will always get a jealous person or some schmuck to turn it into something negative. Like you said, if you don't overstate it or mention it constantly then I think it's perfectly fine.


I think you should feel free to tell that person to fuck right off.
It's perfectly reasonable to be a proud grandparent.


What? That's bullshit.

You absolutely can be proud of your grandson and show it.

My grandson made it into a school that only admits 100 per year and you bet your ass I keep telling people.

I will never stop being proud of their accomplishments.


fuck what people say. its natural to be proud


If you contributed to his achievement, then you have reason to be proud. If you didn't, I would say not.

Why can't someone be proud of the achievements of someone they love?
Even if they didn't contribute to the achievement.

@KKGator I guess you can. I'm proud of things my sons do, even though I didn't directly contribute to their achievement. Though I was an influence on them.

@sfvpool There ya go!


There does always seem to be those all too ready to judge without understanding the feelings and/or the facts.


What?? That sounds like some anti-intellectual and/or sour grapes garbage to me.

It is absolutely okay to be proud of your family! There's a huge difference between highlighting the accomplishments of someone of whom you are proud and selfishly using someone else's accomplishments to aggrandize yourself.

People who legitimately can't tell the difference have a worrisome lack of social literacy. People who can tell the difference--but act like they can't, to advance a petty agenda--are distressingly manipulative.


of course it's okay to be proud and say so. people can be mean but ignore them. if you weren't "rubbing it in" but just displaying your pride, there is nothing wrong with that, even if some people will take it the wrong way. that's THEIR problem.



Be proud...I am MASSIVELY proud of mine.

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