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I'm reading a great book titled "Sapiens". It's a history of the development of the human race. One interesting thing is that it gives a plausible explanation of when and why different forms of deity and idol worship came into existence and the one time benefit this had on human development. it's backed up with fossil records and discussion of migration patterns.

AgnoJer 5 Jan 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I bought that for my husband, but then he started reading "Becoming Human" and liked it better.

Orbit Level 7 Jan 24, 2019

It's on my list. I'm behind.


An attempt to explain the world around themselves & my dol is better than your idol.


What was the one time benefit?

BD66 Level 8 Jan 24, 2019

It's on my list.


Hey me too


I am reading it as well. Really interesting and well written.

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