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Seeing as the worlds going to end in 12 years we might as well enjoy the time we have left.

Trajan61 8 Jan 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Future generations, if they exist, will condemn us for ignoring blatant evidence of a disaster in the making!

So you believe Ocasio Cortez? She wants to stop using oil and gas by 2030!!

@Trajan61 I know you're just trolling because that's what you do, but I think we all need to get off of polluting fuels like oil, gas and coal, and the sooner the better. We should be encouraging and subsidizing purchases of EV's and solar power storage equipment. Our current non-elected president is an idiot who doesn't believe in science and doesn't care about the future. Don't bother replying because I'm not likely to bother with your "I know you are but what am I" approach to discussion.


Oh, goodie! And I was afeared that I had missed it.


Something like this?


We have a remarkable capacity to fall into self-delusions and willful ignorance.


"The new study calculates that if the world's governments don't initiate a transition to clean energy sources by 2035 — meaning that the share of renewables starts to grow by at least 2% each year — we'll almost certainly pass that point of no return.

The exact year could change, according to the researchers' model, if new technology can remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, or if we see quicker growth in renewables. But no matter what, the deadline is coming soon."

If we don't get our heads out of our collective asses, we may be fucked. But hey, it won't be MY problem, right?


The outrage is coming from the people who said they don't take what Trump says literally.


Makes a change, it's usually a Mayan prophecy


I recommend enjoying the time we have left regardless of the number of years we have left.

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