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45 is going to do something really desperate, and really dangerous, to US.
He'll declare a national emergency, declare war on Venezuela, or some other truly stupid thing.
Wait and see.

KKGator 9 Jan 25

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We've been thinking the same.


I agree! Be prepared go take the streets in protest After you call your "representatives"!!!


That lis a distinct possibility and I hope that Democratic s in Washington are prepared to put a quick stop to any such attempts.


I feel like this is Groundhog Day, every day the only difference is what idiotic thing 45/Putin will do today. Please, I want to wake up.

MizJ Level 8 Jan 25, 2019

This would be just like him what an ass!!!!


Hopefully enough people will see through the bullshit...and declaring war needs Congressional Approval...

Other presidents, before 45, have gotten around that particular "detail".
That is not an endorsement, just an observation.


I think, I HOPE if he goes the national emergency route the courts will step in. There is no emergency, it is clear to all of us. The other options are just as crazy and hopefully cooler heads will stop trump.

There are no more "cooler heads". 45 has surrounded himself with people who are too afraid to tell him "no".
We ARE in an "emergency" now. However, it IS an emergency that 45 deliberately manufactured, with the help of Stephen Miller.
It started with the orchestrated separation of families, and went from there.
This shutdown, that 45 alone owns, is the real emergency.
No wall is going to fix that.


yeah - he's itching to do the national emergency thing......and if the airports start to shut down - that is exactly the catalyst he's looking for.

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