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You won't believe this but more than three hours ago,I was told I was a sinner and an ignorant because I am left handed...that my parents should have tied my hand (back) to force me to use my right hand. Yes, today, 1/2719


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My brain hurts trying to understand the logic of this. What could possibly be the connection between handedness and sin? Oh my lord.

In the past...very far be different was seen as God's something sent by the devil...sinister. The problem is said "past" is quite in the present.


I wonder how left handed Muslims get on ?

I always asked the same...LOL


The usual, be like everybody else or else you are wickedly not like everybody else.
A friend lent me her book "The Body Heals Itself". There is a section on finding answers to issues by tapping into our childhood. Write down some questions that are bothering you and then use your non-dominant hand to write whatever comes to mind. Supposedly this taps into a different part of your brain and answers can be unexpected. Maybe that's what these people are afraid of; since you are using a different part of you brain then they are you might come up with ideas they don't like, like there is no God!

Do you think I was going to waste intelligent time explaining to the old bag the right / left sides of the brains?

@DUCHESSA Of course not. She probably won't listen to a sinner like you.
I just had a chance to share something I just read last night. I would try it but don't have any profound questions.

@JackPedigo Her "I know better" look told me the level of her ignorance.


Were they joking when they told you that? ??



This happened to you in New York? First of all, it's incredible that anyone would even think that way anymore, but in New York?

Yes, my dear, in New York.... and I live 40 mins. away from NYC....but you can find few specimen around


And the best part is I don't write like most left handed people do.


I would have exclaimed excitedly, "Ohhhhhhhhh! I'd love to see your time machine and visit the 19th century with you! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!"

She wouldn't have grasped the irony.

@DUCHESSA Which would be EVEN FUNNIER!!!

@DeStijl I don't waste intelligence in stupid critters

@DUCHESSA It's all about the entertainment value for YOU. It's the most fun to mess with people when they are utterly oblivious. I wouldn't do it to an old lady though, no matter how crazy she'd become.

@DeStijl See, you just stated how different people are.

@DUCHESSA Ummmm... what?


The stupid, it hurts!

BillF Level 7 Jan 27, 2019

She is an old lady....I believe in her late 80s.

@DUCHESSA That kind of explains it. She perhaps witnessed left-handed classmates being treated like that when she was in elementary school. If she's having cognitive issues, she'd remember her youth better than recent events.

@DUCHESSA She must be getting a little senile.

@Trajan61 Actually no...She is quite OK up there..........only ignorant.


I think this goes back to before toilet paper when people where taught to wipe with your left hand and keep your right clean.

According to many to be left handed is to be related to the devil........🙂


It beggers belief that this kind of thought process still exists. People should be kind to lefties, it's not their fault 🙂

It's just ignorance

Next they will have dominate hand reassignment programs to fix all you lefties. It's a joke, but a sad one. ignorance but I never expected to hear this in the S XXI


Ignorance is astounding.


The only sinners I know are the ones who go to church . . . . . that is why they go, isn't it?

THHA Level 7 Jan 27, 2019

Did you point out that their parents should have taped their mouth shut?

No...but I told her she was f....ignorant.


Try flipping a left-handed bird.


One of my grandsons is left handed so I guess that makes him a sinner. ?????

There are 6 or 7 left handed people in my family...all professional. I guess they are ignorant as well. 🙂


That’s sinister!


Wow. I'm left handed too. You must have been talking to some really ignorant people!!!

Orbit Level 7 Jan 27, 2019

Yes...even the way she speaks English is ignorant.

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