7 10

Maybe this is something to look forward to.

Infinito_rex 5 Jan 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I've grown my own vegetables since I was a kid (well my parents did). I'm in my late 50s now and can't imagine life without fresh strawberries in May, peas in June, corn in July, tomatoes in August and apples in September...I know there are people who don't grow their own food, but it's so easy to do! I've lived in little apartments where I had only enough space to grow salad materials...

You Sir. Are the type of people we need on this earth.


Unfortunately you can't have large (mostly law abiding and peaceful) populations without there being some dependency on someth8ing, and indoctrination into the way society works in such a wy to be mostly peaceful and law abiding.

It is impossible to have a large population without a large government to keep order.

I do question the need for large corporations though. At least a government serves the people by keeping peace and order. A corporation has no empathy or conscience but has just one purpose, which is to make a profit. Unregulated corporations can be far more ruthless and devastating than any dictator.

Sometimes its not very clear who serves who, who has less empathy or which is more ruthless. There are many situations which could argue both sides.


It's a nice thought, just not very realistic.......


I like the idea, but I think that ship has sailed.


That is so........STUPID!!!

Come on don't be mean. Have a little faith in humanity

@Infinito_rex I do have little faith in humanity. If our ancestors could have gone to the store to buy food, they would have, and when it became available they did. 🙂

@Sticks48 everyone had their role in society. That's why they didn't have or needed stores. That was more of an European influense. You can still find small villages in mexico, central and South America where they still do it like in the old days.

@Sticks48 So long as the store has food to sell.

@Infinito_lf you're preparing for an apocalyptic event, which is not a very good idea as they are predicted annually. If your talking about everyone turning their yard into a small farm, that is laughable. In urban areas where a huge percentage of folks live in apartments and condos, l guess they would just get their guns and take your food. If something that catostrphic happened it will be total chaos and anarchy anyway and l don't want to be here. It would be check out time.


Good luck learning how to produce food.
Agriculture is not easy. For millennia we barely could feed one with work of one.
Modern agriculture can feed 100 with work of one. It is not without lots of technology.

I already know. I esa raised in a farm. And if it comes to it, I'll pass on my knowledge

@Infinito_rex How many mouths can you feed without industrial fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics or machinery?
Not even counting that those mouths will be fed for free, but lets say, how much will be your surplus to trade for things you do not know?
Specialization increase efficiency. Of course you can learn to be a survivalist, but that is it, without specialization, we could keep civilization for some time, but it would fade fast.
In the end we really need the system.
Even a mechanical or electrical engineer can't do shit without good materials, and a good steel or copper needs industry. Industry needs other industries for equipment.
See, there are 300 professionals involved in the production of a simple pencil, and none of them can do the other work efficiently. Not counting the tools and machinery producers.


Those will also be the first ones to die off.
I'm not seeing a problem.

Which those?

@beenthere The ones with no survival skills.

@KKGator It is certainly something that takes time to learn.

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