Crazy old man thinks he's the smartest person!
Howard Schultz doesn’t have the “guts” to run for President! Watched him on @60Minutes last night and I agree with him that he is not the “smartest person.” Besides, America already has that! I only hope that Starbucks is still paying me their rent in Trump Tower! []
I wonder how he ever deluded himself into thinking he is even beyond elementary school smart...surely he has to read all of the replies showing how ignorant he really is...daily...he does it daily...
Dunning–Kruger effect
He thinks the negative replies are just jealousy... he doesn't actually believe there's such a thing as honest intellectual criticism in this world. People don't disagree with his opinions, they hate him personally.
Of course, there's a considerable overlap there...
@Paul4747 Many people find his personal moral characteristics reprehensible but it is his actual policies or lack thereof that have no real thought put into them and have hurt the people he is supposed to represent...if he had started with something positive like infrastructure, many more could have looked past his personal flaws...if he has the smarts, he knows that even the smartest people are only as good as those that support him...he chose bad characters that were not qualified for many positions and made those that were quit because no one wants to work for an incompetent boss...listening to those who know more than you is a strength, not a weakness...and he never listens to experts...
@thinktwice Indeed.
In retrospect I regret supporting Bill Clinton, who was almost as bad personally towards women as Trump... but Clinton had the enormously redeeming traits of being a hypercompetent President, focusing on policy, caring about people, and choosing incredibly intelligent staff. Trump could have been another Clinton, if he had wanted. If he cared about anything beyond himself.
@Paul4747 I hated what Clinton did as far as lying...I don't think he influenced or forced Monica into anything and I think Hillary might have had an "understanding" with him...but, we were out of debt and had a balanced budget...and the beginning of healthcare discussions began...yeah, tRUMP missed a few opportunities to gain some ground but missed them all due to his ego...
I still don't understand why someone hasn't taken away his phone.
Seriously. Just tell him "no, you can't tweet anymore", and be done with it.
His twitter usage has proven to be a national security threat.
The NSA would be within it's rights to snatch that phone away from him, and
not give him another.
No phone for you!
He has to pass a 4th grade grammar and spelling test.
Which would be never.
Like this guy...