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Teenagers leaving schools to demonstrate for an assault rifle ban. Consider the concept... teenagers attempting to circumvent/influence the workings of government via popular protest. Teenagers; persons who are by law, not considered mature enough to vote, enter into contracts, make their decisions, etc. But, somehow that is ignored by some people and late-night t.v. hosts as they laud their attempts to influence government. What is wrong with this picture?

dahermit 7 Feb 22

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These kids are being forced into maturity by the experiences they are having to live through. They will never be the same after these events. I applaud them trying for make sure it's not forgotten and they are trying to make positive change for all of us. They are Americans and have every right to express their rights. Protest is how change is made, women had to protest for the right to vote, the civil rights marches made change for blacks. It's obvious that after all the preceding mass shootings so called mature adults haven't done anything to ensure the safety of Americans, so they have every right to take the reins!
Why would anything be "Wrong" with this picture?

They have every right to express their rights on Saturday when there is no school. "Expressing their rights" on a school day is more of a protest than an expression of rights and if it was on a Saturday instead, I doubt that there would be as many attending.

@dahermit There would maybe be even more unless they can't get off work. It sounds like you don't have much respect for these kids or the unique and unwanted position they have been put in due to society's inaction thus far.

@Ktcyan There is a flaw in your reasoning. Grammer school kids have been put in the very same position. Do they have the right to walk out of school and go to protest also? How about kindergarteners...they have been put in danger and have "rights" also. The element you have ignored is that, until they reach the age of majority, they are children in the eyes of the law and must obey their parents and teachers (in loco parentis). Yours is a slippery slope. Arbitrary as it may be, high school children are children and do not have the expectations or the priveledges of adults including walking out of classes without permission. That is what is wrong with that picture.

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