Measles outbreak caused by anti-vaxxers. The ignorance is unsettling.
If the measles vaccine is effective then why are vaccinated people at risk?
And why does the medical profession continue to ignore the 1949 publication by a very well qualified physician, Frederick Klenner, that massive amounts of intravenous vitamin C will cure any acute viral infection? Even when flu victims are on life support, doctors prefer to turn off the life support rather than follow the medical literature and try vitamin C. []
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." attributed to Albert Einstein
It has to do with herd immunity. Vaccinations do work, but lose effectiveness if everyone doesn’t do it. As more and more people decline it puts holes in the defense.
The vitamin C therapy is utilized at times. It’s not common and the research is still being done. Medicine isn’t ignoring it, and we can just do whatever we want.
@darthfaja Herd immunity only protects people who have not been vaccinated. [] So are you proposing that some people be coerced by the government(people with guns) into getting vaccinated so that other people who have not been vaccinated will be protected? It sounds to me like a morally doubtful proposition.
As for intravenous vitamin C, can you name a single hospital in the world that routinely uses it to save the lives of otherwise dying flu patients? It seems plausible to me that intravenous vitamin C, being unpatentable, is a grave threat to the profitability of drug companies. It may also be a grave threat to the medical profession, which might have to explain its own criminal negligence in ignoring a life-saving treatment for over 69 years now. In the 19th century It only took 20 years for Ignaz Semmelweis' discovery of antiseptic medicine to become standard medicine due to the leadership of Joseph Lister. Semmelweis had already died in an insane asylum. but a century later the largest medical school in Hungary changed its name to Semmelweis University. It doesn't seem to me that the pace of unprofitable medical progress has actually improved in the 20th and 21st centuries; it has gotten much worse. Perhaps by the year 2100 Duke University Medical School will do something to honor its very distinguished graduate Frederick Klenner. But then again, maybe not.
@doug6352 herd immunity works for everyone
As far as your lengthy reply about Vit C
It has nothing to do with drug companies
People often bring that up in conversation
But it’s just simply not true and has zero influence
On my decision making processes or studies conducted
You’ve created a big elaborate conspiracy theory that just doesn’t exist in this instance
I could reply with counter points and try to educate you but that’ll be a waste of both our time.
You won’t agree and come up with more unfounded conspiracies and then we will go back and forth forever.
Big Yawn....
Go to med school if you want to know the whys
@darthfaja I sent my child to medical school so I already am quite familiar with how a physician thinks. The #1 thought is don't lose the license! and the #2 thought is help the patient!, and to combine those two thoughts something called evidence-based-medicine is used. The way "evidence" is defined, the vast majority of evidence-based treatments are FDA approved drugs. That's fine with me if the treatment works, but in the case of an acute viral infection the only treatment that may work is the non-evidence-based massive doses of intravenous vitamin C. As Dr Klenner published in 1949, he cured every case of polio he encountered years before the invention of the Salk vaccine. I'm sorry they didn't teach either you or my child that in medical school. But you are still alive, and if you ever decide to you can learn something new and unexpected. Good luck!
@doug6352 we discussed him at length and I don’t know where you sent your kid to school but that’s not how I practice.
And sending a kid to school is a far cry from doing the job.
Your wrong on your analysis and your replies just sound angry.
As I said before there’s no point to having this conversation with you.
I'm grateful you aren't my doctor! Unfortunately there are too many like you who are certain they know the answers and do not.
This is one of the many dangers of illegal immigration. The US is, as is the EU, having significant spreading of diseases we had mostly removed within our memory.
There is a humanitarian crisis at the US southern border, and at every port of entry, for the spread of disease.
That we have anti-vax imbeciles living among us is a major personal, and national, security risk. They need to be held accountable. This type of shit can no longer be abided of those who claim the profoundly selfish "parental right" to not protect their children, nor the rest of us. Selfish at best.
If a child dies from a disease that could have been prevented by vaccination, the parents should be jailed (for at least 10 times the age of every deceased), and any sibling children should be removed from any possible involvement with the parents.
Deporting these "parental units" to the middle Sahara, naked, waterless, is my most satisfying fantasy..
@OwlInASack This is the source of the infection. So why deny the connection? This is a problem. How do we address it should be the topic of discussion.
I wish these anti-vaxx idiots would jump off the edge of this flat earth.
That is a great image. Could be anime. Go for it.