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That forgiveness thing

HippieChick58 9 Jan 30

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They never think that would be the case.


I had not idea she was an atheist or that insightful. Cheers Keira!


This reminds of the theists who say Hitler couldn't have been a Christian because he did really, really bad things. If Jesus has no power to forgive really, REALLY bad things, what the hell is his use anyway? And if just believing makes you STOP doing bad things, why do you need salvation or redemption or forgiveness? It's almost as if their entire theology makes no sense. Well, not almost. Exactly like it makes no sense.


How fortunately true ..


Some churches define repentance as having several steps, including ceasing to commit the "sin." Asking may be enough in some churches, but it is better to improve one's life and become more ethical.

@MissKathleen Agreed. Remove the church part, and it is a good idea for everyone, including atheists, to improve our lives and become more ethical.


I forgive her

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