Hello to all Heathens. I hope you are all well. As I understand it we are in a bit of a freeze through out most of the U.S.
I really would like to know what state you are and what the temperature is because according the news the new ice age has struck.
I am central Texas and the temperature was sunny and warm with a little cool wind. So as I write this I am sitting on the back deck barbecuing getting some sun working on my tan.
Wow I sound like a "dick". But there it is. Sorry I need work on "poi" and apply more sun tan lotion.
Southern Central Florida
Northern South Florida
But it's high 60s I think
We have all heard of that state.
Just a shot at Texas. What is it about Texas drivers, especially those in their big trucks, who come out in an ice storm and slide all over the place? Very entertaining to watch for those of us who spend our winters in that weather. It isn't just Texas. When I lived in Seattle, where you could see snow all year high in the mountains when the sky was clear, we had two inches of snow and crashes everywhere in the city. My Illinois room mate and I had a laugh listening to the radio reports.
Sounds right to me. Don't own a truck never have. Or a cowboy hat. I do have jeans and Roper boots. I am tall look good in them.
In Central Pennsylvania when i got up at 630 it was 2. The 40's on Saturday, and rain, always rain, and more rain. Out here it has felt, through much of the year like a temperate rain forest. And yes, i know, predicted in global warming. Oh well, our friends in Australia are burning to a crispy bacon like texture.