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Saw an interesting piece by a Prof Wolff, on RT so I won't bother posting it. But what he said is this.
London has been the major financial centre for a long time. Many fear brexit will be the end of this.
What the prof says is the refusal to release gold back to a country, Venezuela is unprecedented by a supposed independent bank. It is this action which spells the end of London being a financial centre, not brexit.
Something to think about anyway.
PS EU demands Venezuela have elections in 7 days. Brexit? Take your time fella's

powder 8 Jan 31

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Wow! You checked the source. Something I wish more people did. Especially in the USA. True RT has valid points. True RT can be informative. But it is not a free press, its sources are questionable & unreliable. As opinion, it is perfectly valid if the facts presented can be validated. The USSR should have invaded Afghanistan. Opinion, not fact. The USSR did invade afghanistan is fact, not opinion.

@powder No system is without flaws. & Russia is pseudo democratic as it has the appearances of democracy. People are slow to learn & there are 7+ billion of 'em.

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