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"Socialized costs and privatized profits" Sounds like organized crime to me!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Big Pharma companies often say that drugs “need” to be expensive to fund research. What they don’t tell you is that they use publicly-funded research for expensive, privatized drugs. []

jerry99 8 Feb 1

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The costs are high because marketing costs are high. They don't research anything.

? of course they research things. It takes many years and sometimes millions of dollars to develop drugs from conception to get to market, and goes through many layers of testing to get approval.
That said, advertising prescription drugs is seriously problematic and definitely inflates costs.

Yes, after government grants have paid the bulk. At moat big pharma has to go through the arduous FDA process. Watch me faint becauae they have to bend over backwards.

@dokala I am not suggesting that they shouldn’t have to go through the process to demonstrate safety and efficacy


Indeed so. And a lot of their R&D is basically consumption of other companies a lot of which are spin offs of public ally funded university research.


Get the insurance companies out of it, and watch the prices tumble on everything medical.


For research and commercial advertising.


So I'm not the only one sceptical of pharmaceutical companies?


'mercan capitalism at it's finest.
If I were 'mercan, conservative, capitalist that is how I would want it.

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