What do you do when a believer gets offended by your question?
nothing. why should i? it's not MY problem, is it? but are you talking about a question i make of a believer's belief? why should i question a believer's belief? people have a right to be stupid, or do stupid stuff, as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone else's rights. if they're not legislating, adjudicating or executing their religion, i don't care what they believe and i don't interfere with it, not for fear of offending someone but because i don't care. it's none of my damned business.
I offend them all really. My long time theist friend from childhood was recently trying to explain to me where Islam came from. Of course, he used his bible and told me of Abraham having a child with his hand maiden because Sarah was unable to produce a child at that time. He says :
This was against god's plan but there was nothing god could do about it.
I kept my mouth shut but this all knowing god was not able to do anything about it. I'm not surprised! This same god cannot do anything else either!
Questions about their beliefs?
First, I try not to ask things just so I can point out how wrong/crazy they are. I’ve had people do that to me, and if they can’t keep from proselytizing, I avoid talking to them. If I’m truly curious, I’m more likely to Google, lol.
I accept that I don’t know everything; that respect is a two way street; the best fights are ones I don’t have to have.
I had a xtian who asked me a question, and she got offended at MY answer.
The question: ‘but if you don’t believe, where will you spend Eternity?’
My answer: ‘same place as you’.
She didn’t get it, and I gave up.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I was just asking an honest question."
@Donotbelieve I really don't mean to offend anyone. Doubling down when a person is offended only escalates the tension. If I really want an answer to my question, I try to maintain as friendly a relationship as I can.
@BestWithoutGods There is a certain thread running through this group that divides the militant from the non-militant atheists, I have noticed. And by militant I mean the ones who make a point of being confrontational. This approach is only one approach of many. And it shows that not all atheists would negotiate this situation the same way. Because the need to be understood is strong to me, I would explain that offense wasn't intended. The purpose of the question was deeper understanding and knowledge gained.
@Donotbelieve I guess I'm still learning the 'tone' of this site and the people commenting. I enjoy the comedy aspect but it is often difficult to distinguish sarcasm from being confrontational for the sake of confrontation. I've never seen the word 'stupid' so much, as an example.