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The Prez, in CBS interview, said all options, including boots in the ground, all open for the Venezuelan problem. Can anyone give me a good reason we need to entertain that idea at all? How about a bad one, that certain groups in the U.S. would agree with? Could this be a wag the dog operation?

Beowulfsfriend 9 Feb 3

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Wag the dog.... maybe.
Putting troops there, insanity. We've tried this stuff in the past down in S.America. only positive outcome was a nice campaign ribbon for the professionals.


Let's send just Trump. He can make up for lying his way out of Vietnam. I'm sure his bone spurs have healed by now


The only problem in Venezuela is the meddling of the US, they economical sanctions. Clean your own house, look after your own people, make sure they have health care, jobs that pay a living wage, educate your young and put your money into infrastructure not wars around the world.


I'm all for letting the situation sort itself out. Sure some minor support can take place, but that should mostly be humanitarian efforts for the people. We don't need to be involved with any conflict there.

The trouble with sending just humanitarian aid is that those you send usually are taken hostage. And, the material you sent with them then belongs to the local warlord.

That's always a risk, right. That's why relationships with various groups in country and neighboring countries are so important to ensure such aid gets where it needs to be. It's a highly complex situation that requires a vast network to accomplish objectives with firing a shot.


Oh no they have the largest oil reserves in the world, they dropped the dollar and they’re a socialist country
And according to the rules of the world bank that’s 3 strikes and your leader is out.

I’m pretty sure that trump sees this as another Panama but the difference is this guy is the leader chosen but Venezuela not us and we’re really into some cartel country.

And lastly even though they’re not in a leadership position they are a member of BRICS which has been somewhat quiet in response to the threats made by non member countries.

So it’ be interesting to see if they intervene, retaliate or do nothing at all. And if the latter occurs I’m sure that memberships will go done extremely fast.
But let’s see shall we.

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