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Jehovah's Witnesses just came to my door for the second time this month. I actually had a fascinating conversation. At the end, they thanked me and they said I'm the nicest and politest person that they actually talk to today. Yes, I told them I am Atheist and they never once tried to debate me.

MoniB 6 Feb 23

Enjoy being online again!

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A thinking woman's quarterback.


Wow !!! That's a first


That's nice you had a good conversation. Just be prepared that, depending on how zealous they are, they may come back to keep talking with you. Unless you specifically told them to not come back. They may be gathering up all their literature and scriptures to try to convince you to believe in god.

Thank you, but never going to happen. They will know this if they try.


There is a lot to like about them. It doesn't change the fact that they are a cult, but I consider them to be among the least destructive ones. What they share with other cults is certainty that they possess truth about our existence superior to any individual or other group. At least they don't prune heads or support imposition of theological fanaticism via punitive public laws.


You have my admiration, as,I gave up politeness...long ago!


Worth a try

PML, would love to try that for my JW asexual man hating ex neighbour.

Haha love it


I used to be nice to them, but I got tired of hem always on the door.


You are a better person than me.

I think I would have to work out some pent up anger if one came to my door. In the end I would be on my front lawn screaming anti-Trump stuff and LGBT rights.

Perks of living in an industrial park: I don't get them.

I was ready for a debate. But, I welcomed them to talk. Hell, I was not busy and I was bored. So why not.


Did you give them reason to doubt the predatory institution they work for?

Marz Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

No, I don't try to prove other people's belief to be a lie. It's not my place.


Next time, follow them when they leave, find out where they live, and then knock on their door and talk to them about athiesm

Love it


I have family that are Jehovah's Witnesses. I've always find most witnesses to be nice and not too stampeding with there stuff.

JeffB Level 6 Feb 23, 2018

You're a lucky one then, but not all jehovas and religious people are crazy and unaccepting. The politest response I ever got from them was simply asking my why and then buggering off when I politely gave them an answer. Being diplomatic usually helps if they aren't overly crazy.

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