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Am I the only one that's sick and fucking tired of post from sadistic assholes that express their delight that Hillary supporters were crying after the election?
When will they get it through their head that most of us were crying in despair that we put a Russian agent in office that didn't even win the popular vote?
I didn't even like Hillary, but she was our only out in that situation, and still when Trump won I became physically ill.
Their pet names for us "snowflakes" and "crybabies" apply more to Trump than to anyone that opposes him.
The man clearly and certainly is working either for or with Russia, there's zero doubt at this point.
This glee at the distress of patriotic Americans is sadistic and as creepy as torturing kittens while giggling.

Novelty 8 Feb 3

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We lost due to those that stayed home "'cause she gonna win anyways". They stayed home 'cause "I don't really like Hilary". They stayed home because they believed the Russian planted polls, Russian FB faux groups, manipulation of social media by THE RUSSIANS, But that isn't important. Building a Mexican funded boondoggle is what is important. Electoral college. Perhaps your time has come.


This is what the republicans were working for for years. Gerrymandering voting districts so republicans won elections. Even when the actual popular vote was against them.

"So, how do ya like me now?" To all those who voted for the current most criminal regime, as you find the tariffs are taking from you every hope of a better life real soon.


I voted for Hillary. I made fun of the crybabies. Hillary was in politics for decades. She should have known how to win. She lost. For democracy to work we have to agree to follow it within the rules given.

You lost.. And for those too unaware or unsophisticated to understand the perfect storm … just how & where would anyone begin attempting to explain 😕

A question, though - why didn’t you win? An outsider, a political novice.. Another poster with all the answers.. Was your name on the ballot? ..think I recognized everyone running, don’t remember any ‘better choice’ missing… Were you knocked out in the primary … or did you simply lack the most experience in US Presidential history? Inquiring minds, you know ~

@Varn You talking to me. It looks like it but what you are saying doesn't make any sense. Did you read my comment, yours doesn't look like it belongs to me.

@Biosteelman I was. Glad you made the effort to vote for the right candidate. Sorry you felt it appropriate to attempt to demean her.. My question to all who ‘know so much more’ than our candidates, is ‘where were they?’ That was my question to you..

@Varn I didn't demean her. I did demean the crybaby participation award winners, who cried in streets like toddlers.
Saying she should have known better is just factual. I went to two of her Rallies. She just didn't get the energy in her base fired up. She skipped important states. Didn't spend campaign money in those states either. Just pure sloppiness.

No I didn't run but I haven't been in politics for 30 years either. So, we do get to hold her to a higher standard.

@Biosteelman Like trump, she expected to win, most all did. With that, she expanded her campaign to help Senate and House candidates she’d need in Congress (both were in republican hands). Monday morning quarterbacking may be fun for some, but it’s irrelevant, and doesn’t reflect the moment.

Remove the Russian trolling, hacking, strategic leaking of sensitive campaign info ..triggering of Mr. Comey’s boyscout instincts … and we’d not be in this mess.. And anyone not sufficiently ‘motivated’ by her stump speeches needed only listen to her opposition … and I don’t mean some kook or spoiler candidate..

My experience with her ‘base’ was standing in light rain for 3 hours to listen to her husband recommend her … as she was campaigning in some idiot state.. Our West Coast knew better!

I’ve worked hard for many campaigns, generally for free. Voters were given a superior alternative, as they were with HRC. But rather you’d prefer having a beer with george jr over Al Gore or John Kerry is the kind of thinking that continues to F-up this nation…

@Varn No. and No. Your elitism by degrading any opposition to that of enjoying a beverage of hops as though there is something wrong with it. Is the problem. Once again I voted for Hillary. I went to two of her rallies (it was pale in comparison to any other rally I had been to). I was also in the neighborhood for Trump Rallies. He motivated people to vote for him. People voted for Hillary mostly because they lacked a better option. I voted for Hillary because I thought she was the best option. I wanted her over Jeb or Bernie and over all the other jackhole candidates. I continued to be worried she was going to lose the entire time. She was never truly in the lead like the polls indicated, not if you ever checked your Social Media. You would know from all the Killary comments and such. There was even a guy that ran a bunch of simulated scenarios showing before the election if which candiate represented each party who would win. IT said Bernie would win if he faced Trump but would lose to every other candidate. Hillary could beat any other candidate than Trump. Trump knew the buttons to push " Lock Her UP" "Build that Wall" "MAGA" she was vanilla. I supported her vanilla but she was vanilla. Wake up. This is a government for the people by the people, and Beer is still the number one alcoholic beverage, number 3 overall. So you might want to rethink your better than though attitude. Maybe chill out and have a beer.


Right on!

Varn Level 8 Feb 3, 2019

thats why I block them for the most part. I just didnt want trump to be president


It was like a physical kick to my stomach....disappointment wasn't even the word....much deeper. Many of us were so confident in ourselves and our belief that a man like DT would never be president. We couldn't imagine the joke candidate actually gaining real support. When DT had political rallies and the crowds went wild for him, we thought they were just being entertained in a sick humor way and probably got paid $ to attend and clap. How could they possibly think he could be the leader of our nation? (Can you tell I'm still in a state of disbelief?)


i actually liked her. i still do. and yes, those assholes are sadistic, but then, you know, they're assholes.


But some of them are people I care members and co-workers and's not as cut and dry as all being sadistic assholes....these are people who heard a message they liked and supported by somehow dismissing all the obvious faults of DT. Was it the package deal of Trump and Pence? Or was it their simple hatred and mistrust of Clinton...not a Pro-trump as much as an anti-Clinton vote. I'm still trying to make sense of it. The post mortem analysis continues.....

@mojo5501 they say those things? i am not just talking about people who like trump. @mortal was specifically talking about people who were delighted that hillary's supporters cried. that's not the same as just anyone who is misinformed, or duped, or whatever. he got very specific about who he was talking about: people who taunt us and call us names. if your family members, coworkers and friends do that, i am awfully sorry for you. it's not your fault. but they are acting like assholes if they're doing that.


@genessa I guess I'm just still at a loss at how to accept that people I care about still support DT. And they often do seem to get pleasure out of taking the rug out from under the Democrats on this one. That is asshole behavior I suppose. They defend DT to this day and think he's doing a good job! It's so frustrating.

@mojo5501 what do they say he is doing a good job AT? i've never heard a single one who says he's doing a good job say at what. not once.


@genessa The Wall. They support the damn wall. They think that's where the terrorists are going to come through if we don't keep our guard up. My father actually said "The Democrats just want to make President Trump look bad" by refusing the funds for the border wall. Like the only motive is personal rather than policy driven. And Trump's the one dismantling just about every Obama era policy there is. DT's role as an 'outsider' really gains traction also: He's not a Washington Insider. Like that's a good thing.

@mojo5501 i am always sorry to hear about such ignorance. i hope they're smart and knowledgeable in other ways. i don't usually find this to be the case, but i can hope!



It's a real lack of empathy. The other side became the 'enemy'.


These are the same assholes that cry about "Happy Holidays" and rage over the color of a Starbucks cup.

F em

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