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I think I have just been abducted by aliens. I got up in good time to drive the 5 miles into town to attend a fitness class at 8.15 this morning. half way there I remember seeing a bright light and thinking "the sun is in an odd place this morning". On arriving at the gym i discovered that it was 9.15. Exactly an hour later than I expected. I don't think I have been probed though. I could sit quite comfortably on the exercise bike.
Alternatively I could have spent an hour on this great site and been unaware of the time passing. Who knows ?

Moravian 8 Feb 4

Enjoy being online again!

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If they probed you, better hope they erased your memory well before returning you.

I am getting so forgetfull these days It wouldn't make any difference.


Astral projection?


We got some interesting data this morning. Thanks.

The truth is out there.

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