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Favorite Monty Python Holy Grail quote?...

(Ya, there's a ton but the poll only allows 8 options.)

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Rocketman88 5 Feb 4

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Strange women lying around in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government


It is not possible to think about any of the Python bits and not laugh aloud. No matter the forum, those dudes were silly. And much to my liking, still.

Fawlty Towers:
The wife says, "And turn off that racket."
Basil: "That's Brahms! Brahms third racket!"

Nothing more brilliant than that..

An example of the true divide of people.


He's got to be king. He doesn't have shit all over him.


""" GALAHAD: Blue. No yel-- Auuuuuuuugh! """


Is it strange that I was talking to my nephew about the movie a half hour before I saw this post.

JimG Level 8 Feb 4, 2019

I fart in your general direction.

JimG Level 8 Feb 4, 2019

@Donotbelieve I believe you. 😉


I was very torn between #1 and #6.


OK, I'm the only person who voted for Shrubbery. I used to be a landscaper....still a plant nerd.

Carin Level 8 Feb 4, 2019

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
I might have that backwards, lol.

Yeah I would have voted for that one!


Help! I am being oppressed!
That is a better quote by far and very appropriate.

I think the line was actually "being oppressed". See above comment...


I'm 37. Not old.


I have a friend that with the right amount of alcohol can recite the holy hand grenade bit perfectly with accents and all. Think I’ll call him this week ?

@Elganned what now? ?

@Elganned Not really that’s why I’ve gotta get drunk with my friend. He’s the one that remembers all of that I’m just good at making the horse sounds.?

@Elganned Yes that! That’s my skill set...right there!


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition

Fear, surprise, and a fanatical devotion to The Pope....

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