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So, you know how you can see all the folks who visit your profile page. Well, I'm new here, day two, and I've only had 44 visitors (hi y'all) but not one of you is from Georgia!! What's up with that! Lol. Where are my GA atheist, skeptic, free-thinking agnostic homies? ??

Ejomitchell 4 Feb 4

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Do you limit yourself by geography in the information/travel age?
I'm here in NM- 36hr drive from Georgia...just sayin'.


Have to laugh sometimes my damn cursor will light up somebody's profile (even my own), as often a man as a woman. But, I rarely peek. Welcome to ..the farm!

Varn Level 8 Feb 4, 2019

@Bierbasstard ..didn't know it could be turned off - thanks ~


Hi neighbor! I am a couple hours east of you... I don't cruise profiles much, unless in response to something someone posted. (;

Zster Level 8 Feb 4, 2019

44 in 2 days. It took me months to get that many. 😛

There's plenty of atheist in Georgia. We're just very secretive.


I visited your profile and if I think your pretty groovy, so I'm sure you will find lots of friends and community here. Welcome. ✌️☮️


Same happens to me. There are some really weird, nosey people here. Even more nosey if they don't like or agree with a comment.

Nosey? Aren't people supposed to check out other peoples profiles on a dating/community website? Just curious.


I'm just nosey, I read everyone's profile pages

  1. it's an international site. 2. ONLY 44? 3. the site is relatively new. 4. should people not look at your page unless they live around the corner? some people may be curious about who you are without specifically planning to visit you. 5. some people hover over your name by accident.


@Ejomitchell everything in my list is true, but i actually said nothing about you personally whatsoever.



Welcome! When reading a post, I often look at the poster's profile to find out more about them.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

I generally don't look at people's profile pages.
It's nothing personal. I just really don't care.


Still in the christian closet most likely.

0 is hard to connect with people close by. I have formed friendships with several that live too far away, but I'm still thankful for their friendship.


Are there atheists in Georgia? Well, I'm kidding, I'm sure there are. I lived in Atlanta in the 1960s. Different time!


Here you go... ?


I thought it was against state laws to be agnostic in the Bible Belt states...

@Ejomitchell Hell has all the good bands anyway...


What would you do if 44 visitors knocked on your door? Gift it chance xx


Two days! Give it a chance. I've been here nearly a year and haven't seen a soul from where I live lol


You are very'll get visitors from GA. Search members and visit them.

@Ejomitchell way!!


Howdy and welcome here.


You can search the members here to see who is near you. Click on members, and on the right side, there is Search Members, and you can sort by "Nearby."

And you can visit their profile. 🙂 Good luck.

Oh, and Hi, welcome to Agnostics.

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