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Cilantro tastes like Gilbert Godfrey sounds. Discuss...

Remi 7 Feb 5

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I disagree. I love cilantro and can't stand Gilberts voice.


Cilantro tastes like soap to me, and coriander smells so bad, I won’t taste it.
Yeah, I’m one of those!

I'm one of those too. I love the smell, but I feel like I have a mouth full of soap if I eat something that has it.

It doesn't taste like soap to me, it's just really loud. Like I'M CILANTRO AND I'M IN YOUR FOOD!


You realize that there are at least two camps, based on scent/taste genetics, right? That said, I love cilantro! I particularly like it in combination with cumin and lime as is often encountered in Mexican and other central/south American foods.


Zster Level 8 Feb 5, 2019

You either have the cilantro gene, or you don’t!

I've heard that. It doesn't taste like soap to me though, just really loud. Like it's all I taste and I can tell when even the tiniest bits sneak in.


Cilantro is pretty yucky... I cannot eat it at all!


Go back to Russia. Cilantro is life.


I guess i enjoy the voice stylings of gilbert godfrey! ???


By itself yes

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