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All Hail Nancy...RAWR
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Qualia 8 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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It was perfect.


I love this woman, always have.

Me too. It's funny to me people are just now seeing what a force she is, better late than never I suppose.

@Qualia She is smarter, tougher, more knowledgeable, and has better hair than trump.

@Sticks48 its all about the hair.

@btroje For the follically challenged like myself, that would be a great big yes. 🙂


0 points for originality


Pffffft See ya!!!!


This is Christine Pelosi’s tweet that I referred to earlier : []



Ohub Level 7 Feb 6, 2019

LOL I just read this one outloud & my dog started dancing ?


awww...the seal clap..


I love this. Her daughter posted on Twitter that she knew this clap well as a teen !! The “you know that I know what you have been up to” look and clap. Don’t mess with Nancy !

Ohub Level 7 Feb 6, 2019

I wish I'd seen it live, so I could tell if that was a slow clap...

I don't think it was ?
That smirk tho.... haha Omg ❤ Looks like she's trying not to laugh.

@Qualia Definitely not an enthusiastic round of applause.

He's so smug, like a toddler who didn't crap his pants & she's cheering him on "That's a good boy donnie, you didn't poop your pants- awwwww". Somebody make that vid meme happen LOL

@Qualia Perfect description. You nailed it.

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