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My guess would be; Because Nature is indifferent:

bigpawbullets 9 Feb 7

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According to the looney idiots like Al Gore and Ocasio Cortez the ends going to be here pretty quick so we might as well enjoy the time we left. ????

Party down!!!!


The word ''intention'' should be somewhere in the explanation, if you ask me that is... ?


Because nature put instincts and emotion over reason. Maybe that's a part of her plan. Only the truly intelligent and adaptable get to survive and that's clearly not us.


It's called greed.


Because 50% of the people are of below average intelligence and somehow they seem to be in charge.


Because there are so many mutants like trumper.


Define nature. Living species of plant life have been observed fighting off attacks with chemicals, etc and trees will even nourish their offspring. That nature is indifferent to our survival, but not its own, much like most, but not all, species.

Earth as an organism is a theory that is not proven. If the Earth even has the ability to not care is still a question.

I personally wouldn't limit the definition of Nature to a synonym for Gaia.


Because even as the most intellectual creature we still are not smart and rational enough. They way our society is constructed today amplifies our biases and instincts to be greedy, jealous, easy to manipulate and exploit ect. Maybe one day we will overcome these kind of thought patterns but society would have to change in order for us to value sustainability more.

Dietl Level 7 Feb 7, 2019

My guess would be because we are animals and doing what animals do.

Very possibly the most accurate statement, so far.


Greed & Selfishness.


..we’re not as clever as we think ~

Varn Level 8 Feb 7, 2019

and we are greedy and selfish as possible.

@jlynn37 It’s likely all the more painful when you’re not personally greedy, or selfish 😕

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