5 7

Not sure if I should educate Christians....

Just joking....

snytiger6 9 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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" Just as one can lead a horse to water but can't MAKE it drink, so one can lead a Christian to reason but one can't make them think." - William Anthony, 2017


I would like to start a tax free church of weed. Smoke the sacrament


Evangelist and prostitutes have a product to sale, looking for the desperate to my books the prostitute has the more honest product.


Hmm, I could use a little extra income....

Probably sitting on a gold mine

@HankSherman So true. I live in "Happy Valley," Utah (read antidepressant capital on the world.)

@Meili If it's Utah... It's not anti-depressant anything. There is another "Happy Valley" near Portland Oregon It's where all the Asians moved when they got priced out of the China Town area.


The second is a whole lot easier.

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