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Texas butterfly sanctuary files emergency restraining order to stop Trump's border wall construction []

Charliesey 7 Feb 13

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He cares about nothing accept money , lies and cheating.


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Good for them, in all the debate this is the first time I have heard an environmental issue raised.

The trump administration has bypassed all norms of foregoing Environmental studies before wanting to plow ahead. Keep in mind, 45’s EPA is actually anti environment.

I raise the environmental issue often. Many in support of the wall do not care about the environment. It is my mission to keep them informed as they only watch Pox Spews. The wall will impede migratory dianural & nocturnal creatures, devastate great areas of habitat & will require the seizure of private land by the government.

@Countrywoman Plus the huge resources that will be needed to build it, just think what they could do if put into conservation.

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