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Today is my 31st birthday and the first one since joining this site. I Wasn't sure on the social norms of birthdays on here. I just wanted to let everyone know in case cake was involved lol.

McWalsoft 6 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Happy Birthday, you young buck. Let there be cake.

Thank you, oddly enough I didn't get real cake yet. I did get drinks and burgers though.


Happy Birthday to you!

Deb57 Level 8 Feb 13, 2019

Thank you


Congratulations on another 584 million mile run around the sun... Celebrate, then hydrate for the next run.

Math is hard and Google is at least 2 clicks away so I'll take your word for it lol. Thank you.


Happy birthday

Thank you


As long as you are buying the cake 🙂

Cup cakes maybe lol

@McWalsoft That'l do 😉


Happy birthday ! ?

Thank you


Happy birthday, young ‘un! 😀

Thank you


Congratulations on having completed another involuntary revolution around a mediocre star in the Milky Way. Now that we've taken care of that bit of business, get back to work and do something constructive.

But.....but it was my birthday ?. Fine lol


Happy birthday ???

Thank you.


From 30 on, those birthdays just go flyin by! And you're a hundred eleventy one, like me! Enjoy!
May you live a hundred years!
And may you drink ten-thousand beers!

I may just drink that many tonight.


Happy bird day to you.
Happy bird day to you.
Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp.
Happy bird day to you.

Thank you, I haven't heard that one before. You learn something new everyday.


I can't do it now, on my phone at laundry, but, hey someone else: post a Cake song for our friend. Best wishes.

It's the thought that counts.


Happy Birthday.
If you want cake, you're going to have to get your own.

There was once the promise of cake at Level 6, but that was a lie.

Enjoy your day.

So you're telling me "the cake is a lie"?

*Portal reference

@McWalsoft Cake or death.

Eddie Izzard reference.


happy birthday - hope you enjoy it

Will do, thank you.

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