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Which sex tends to be more monogamous?

Novelty 8 Feb 13

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Good sex keeps me monogamous!


That is a really good "stir up some shit" question.

THHA Level 7 Feb 13, 2019

Missionary position ??


There are statistics available.
It changes with age.
Google it.


Sex that isn't polyamorous? I don't know... which sex is more monogamous?


Nothing to do with gender, as I see it.


I think has do more with your up bringing than a persons gender. Plus, how open minded is depends on that.


Wow this question is so outdated.

There is a lot of emerging data that support the advantages of Nonmonogamous relationships. see link one

Even the children of poly parents appear to have advantages according to studies. see link two




which species? humans? Well, I don't know, as it varies from place to place. I did just see an article that said women are not hard wired to be monogamous like many believe. I have seen articles on certain people with sexual habits that helps set monogamy or not. And I recently saw an article, which I haven't read about the 30 cities where people are least monogamous. The actually action of being monogamous may occur more due to culture than due to desire.


Well, as it takes two to tango, as it were....then logic says it should be fairly evenly split!




I don't know...I think it's equal and varies but my guess would be female. I know after my monagamist marriage i stated I was going to fuck every man I meet...i didn't. I met someone now and it's casual..not serious...but still i am monagamist.

Lol my comments about fucking everyone I meet didn't go over very well with friends and family..haha



Men are more monogamous​

@nicknotes...really interesting article

I was surprised at the determination of the article @Dandewine

@nicknotes Yeah me too...

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