Say's the man that abandoned us after taking our $27 donations.
Seriously if we ever meet i’ll give you your $27 back. They had the super delegates locked in but he has at least stayed around in order to change that rule.
Just saying how much about Ross Perot or Ralph Nader did you hear about after their failed election attempts?
And besides he’s at least influenced people who normally wouldn’t get involved in politics to do so.
So even though it’s not what we should’ve got it was at least an actual change in the right direction.
All 17 of them?
@KevinAverett Well maybe not all 17 but maybe 1 or 2.
@Pbpierson2 What is it with you? Why do you have to be drunk in order to do anything with me!?
Is it because I’m big and ugly or that I’m a Democratic socialist progressive that believes that you can be gay and have guns!?
Happy Valentine’s Day fucker! ?????
@Pbpierson2 Well I have to be careful about calling you ? because someone might come along and grab you. ?