3 6

This little nut job keeps trying to get into my house. I guess you really are what you eat.

TheoryNumber3 8 Feb 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I had a similar problem with a cardinal that kept on flying into my house's windows. It went on for weeks, I'd be sitting listening to music or watching TV and then...crash, it would headlong itself into one of my window... unnerving. I went out with a hose to try to scare it off but it kept on coming. It wasn't every day but often, till finally it stopped...I suspect it went nuts. Cardinals are squawky little birds.

cava Level 7 Feb 14, 2019

Most likely the bird got a head injury.

I had the same thing with a kamikaze robin crashing into my window and it went on for a couple of days. At someone's suggestion, I bought an owl figurine and put it in the window. Problem solved.

Veteran9 That´s the reason why I never clean my windows, especially my bay windows.


Oh you have a nutty buddy. ?

Several... many of the human variety

@TheoryNumber3 hey I’m not here to judge your sex life.?

@48thRonin what sex life?

@TheoryNumber3 Oh my bad ? didn’t know that you were married. ?


Great pic! Just say hi...and toss a kiss!

I did better than that. He got hazelnuts 🙂

@TheoryNumber3 oh, he will be your ‘forever friend!’

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