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I know the people who do this won't care, and I really don't care either except I don't like shortcut cheating. But my policy now is if I see a post from someone, and that individual makes sure he or she is the first one to comment on their own post, I won't: like, react, reply or otherwise acknowledge the post. Hey, happy valentine's day! 🤓

zeuser 9 Feb 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I always thought that was lame too. The same as people who like their own comments on Facebook and other social media.. I find them pathetic in a way.


You get points for commenting on your own post? Good to know! ha ha ha


I also REALLY hate the “good morning I have nothing to say and I’m just trying to collect points” posts.


Silly race for points eh? Hadn't noticed. I don't comment for levels.

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