4 0

Congratulations you could’ve just given him $5 billion but you had to challenge the idiot didn’t y’all.
Well at least y’all have something else to cry and bitch about. ??????

48thRonin 8 Feb 15

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0 security isn't paid for by the government or taxpayers nor does it have anything to do with our national debt. Social security is paid by the people yes but is set aside and seperated from government fundings so cutting it would not help anyone only screw everyone who has worked in their life. Also the comment of giving minorities government assistance is bullshit neing as if you checked the overall demographic for the country more than 80% of people recieving wellfare and foodstamps are white and almost 90% of all people are indeed working. Now everyone is entitled to their opinion but atleast do your research and fact check so it's atleast an informed opinion and not one formed out of ignorance/stupidity. And a wall isn't what we need, stricter visa policies need to be put in place. Make visa harder to obtain and harsher enforcement on expired visas.

Who the fuck said any of that shit!? Wrong thread dude this about dipshit giving a middle finger to the democrats because he wants things his way thread.

So good luck the one about social security because I haven’t seen it.


As I am not American this is no concern of mine but if $billions are wasted on this folly it may leave less for bombs to drop on innocent civilians abroad.

Good point ??????

No, there will always be money for that.


There isn't 5 Billion laying about to give him...I guess we will just have to conger it out of air or print more. Oh wait...we will just take it from "entitlements" like WIC (Women Infants and Children (nutrition)), Cuts to Social Security, Medicare, etc.

Hey ummm it’s in the same place that we get that money from. It’s called the debt ceiling and someone else pointed out they wanted to give him $25 billion back in December.

Sooo your own party was by your logic was willing to take $25 billion from mothers children and old folks.? thanks

@48thRonin Both the Senate and House were controlled by the Republicans in December.

@dahermit Ummm yeah which is why it would have been shot down in the end. But anyway


You know the meme is completely full of shit, right?
Oh, and it's not just democrats who have no use for 45, or his stupid fucking wall.

45 was offered quite a bit back in December. He said "no".
The democrats didn't take over control of the House until January.
The republicans COULD have gotten a deal before that, IF they'd REALLY
Stop blaming democrats for 45 being an unqualified, inept, corrupt, con man.
It's not their fault that he's a complete disaster.

But that wasn’t under his terms and just because the clapper and Schumer offered him something that doesn’t mean the republicans would’ve signed off on it.
Just saying that there’s still two parties and the idiot would’ve been happy with 5 billion minus the dreamers.
But once again the democrats plan is apparently to just piss off everyone their party needs to win,
Because everyone else is ignorant. ??????

You're being disingenuous, at best, and a partisan hypocrite, at worst.

If anyone "needs to win", it's 45.
He's manufactured a completely imaginary "national emergency" at the
southern border. He's been repeating the same lies to justify it.
Even when it's been demonstrated that none of what he's saying is remotely true.
Even when he's confronted with the truth, he doubles down and lies some more. He's not a well man. He's a recalcitrant child.

BOTH parties play that silly game. It's not just the democrats.
Insisting otherwise is intellectually dishonest, and you know it.

McConnell is a hypocrite as well.
He had the temerity to call the democrats "obstructionists".
We all KNOW that isn't true. That hammer most definitely swings
BOTH ways.

@KKGator Oh don’t worry when I’m not on liberals only . Com I call out the republicans about McConnell and their issues but that’s the pure beauty in not belonging or supporting political slavery.

I’m free to criticize both for fucking this country and pretty much the rest of the world. Gator haven’t you ever wondered why they’re called the left and the right??

It’s because they’re the hands of the government that beat you and rob you.

But anyway maybe the conservatives will become smart enough to recognize the damage that they’ve done in the name of racism, segregation and religion.

And hopefully the liberals that their arrogance doesn’t equate into intelligence and chastising rural and blue collar whites will never make them want to be like you.

Oh and just because your party gives black people and other minorities financial assistance doesn’t make them any less racist just saying Clinton’s crime bill was resulted in each sate doubling their number of correctional facilities.

So please tell me more about partisan hypocrisy.?

@48thRonin I'm not a democrat, or a liberal, and both parties are heavy with arrogance. Unfortunately, the scumbag currently holding the title is what we need to concern ourselves with.

@KKGator No he’s not for fuck sakes there’s more to our countries government than just him.
And so far he hasn’t gotten everything that he’s wanted now has he?

This is why I say the shit I do about people obsessing over him.
Y’all can’t see the government for the orange.
And he doesn’t care about your feelings, thoughts or opinions so why make so much noise about him!?

Seriously making my head hurt ?

@48thRonin 45 wants to be a dictator. THAT'S why I am so concerned about him.
I'm paying attention to what everyone is doing.
However, 45 and his "administration" are doing things that are detrimental to lives and health, and financial well-being, of ALL Americans.
Whether that bothers you or not is none of my concern.
The shit you say about people who stay concerned with what he's doing only proves that you are not paying close enough attention to what is happening.
I don't have the time, nor the inclination, to explain it all to you.
If you don't feel the need to look for yourself, nothing anyone can say to you is going to make any difference.

@KKGator ok

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