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Recently a woman on here posted about being disrespected in very blatant ways. I believe the problem may go a bit deeper that being sent awful messages, some including dick pics. Feminism has lost ground, misogyny is so pervasive it a part of our language in a commonly used word. That word is girl. Adult females are women, not girls.

MizJ 8 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Not sure what it is that motivates guys to send dick photos, but it is pretty clear that it is a seriously dumb ass fucking thing to do. If I were a woman who received one I would be seriously tempted to send them back a reply, something like, "Where is it in the picture? Sorry, I don't have a microscope."

THHA Level 7 Feb 16, 2019

I called a lass on here a girl, its a thing we do. We'd call a group of old girls girl. Its not disrespectful...its a thing.

I don't like seeing random penises though and the next one I get, I'll send it to the offender's Mum...or his WIFE!

I and others do see it as highly disrespectful.

@Amisja I climbed this rock once. (and the one in the background too).

@Amisja It may be a difference in locale? I know my friends don't say "Girl" here - unless it's the most close of female friends. And they're kidding if they do it.

A male doing it is trying to make you "less than".

But language varies from place to place. And I'm betting that's the difference.

I agree totally with Raven here. It's perfectly fine for another woman to call you girl, but if a man does it it's a bit like when a white man calls a black man "boy" - he is reducing you by suggesting that you cannot be considered an adult nor capable of holding the same adult responsibilities he holds.

@CallMeDave did you?

@Jnei, @RavenCT Certainly in Lancashire, it wouldn't be considered offensive. I am more likely to call a female a lass anyway. Saying that, I respect other people's opinion.

@Amisja yes I did.
You can too! ( After some training)

@CallMeDave Seriously Dave, its an adventure for me to get off the loo unaided these days 😉

@Amisja A side note. As far as anyone knows, I was the first person to climb the rock in the background. By climbing code, the first ascent party gets naming rights. I called it Miss Rosa Coldfield. That's right. The 60 year old virgin in Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom. 🙂

@CallMeDave what?


I have the feeling that attitudes on the ground are in indirect proportion to legal progress. Maybe the reason is as simple as legal advancement losing out to porn.

The Equal Rights Amendment was never passed. Sadly, one rarely hears mention of it anymore.


Don't cultural mores play a role? Two-hundred years ago, girls were considered 'women' at 13. While males weren't considered 'men' until they were twenty-and-one.Nowadays, both sexes are considered 'children', until they are eighteen.

I was referring to obviously adult women being referred to as girls.

@MizJ I understand that. But how do we define 'adult'? And how does that apply to teenagers? Are they 'adults', or 'children'. When I was a teenager, we'd have gotten pretty indignant, if someone called us 'children'.(We thought we were all grown up, knew everything, and were gonna live forever!). Don't the definitions really vary from culture to culture, and between different historical eras?

@davknight The legal definition in the US is 18. This post was written after I read the profile of a man here older than myself that referred to women as girls. Did you note the use of the word "obviously"?

Isn't this nonsensical semantics meant to distract from the actual point being made?Seems so to me. Gtfo with that crap.

@OpposingOpposum Lol! Checkmate!

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