Has anyone here ever kept a removed body part from themselves? Like their appendix or gallbladder or something?
Not me, but a friend told me they'd keep an eye out for me.
I have my Grandmother's Kidney stones somewhere? They're pretty cool.
I have part of my cancer stored at a Teaching Hospital... I don't think I'll go pick that up anytime soon.
Oh and I have box of my hair from my first hair cut at age six! I also have a box of my Mom's hair from a similar young age.
Now I feel all creepy. lol
I'm having my ovary removed and I want to keep it. It actually isn't illegal but you gotta sign a waiver or something.
@LadyAlyxandrea I still have those. Maybe I'd keep those. They might be cute? Put some googly eyes on the jar for sure!
@RavenCT I'm super weird, always have been. Since the COLUMBIA exploded on live tv in 2003, I always wanted a severed leg in a jar (with permission from the leg owner of course) and I have always been fascinated by preserved organs lol.
It's weird and creepy but fascinating to hold your own internal organ in your hands and know that thing was INSIDE you
When I was about 21 I managed to grow my fingernails really long and was very proud of them. When a couple broke and I had to clip them all short, I kept them for a while. Does that count?
Andy Warhol kept all his clippings of nails, hair, and other strange stuff. Occasionally his collector boxes go on sale. You should put yours on eBay.
I have a bone that was removed from my foot.
That's cool! I asked for my collar bone but it was dremelled off instead of extracted
Reminds me of a Far Side cartoon - a dog is holding up a jar with a couple spherical objects in it for another dog to see.
The first dog says “they’re my testicles - the vet said I could keep them”
I'm having my ovary removed and I legitimately want to keep it in a jar
Guess it doesn’t hurt to ask!
i kept my wisdom teeth. put them in the kiln while i was in art school and then put them in a sculpture
@coralisthree - If you haven't been told yet today, you should know that you are amazing.
No, I just made sure I got to see them when I had had a tubal ligation after my last c-section. I wanted no surprises.
They wouldn't let me keep the screw that was holding the bones in my little finger together. Bastards.
I asked if I could keep one of the screws from the titanium plate they attached to put my collarbone back together. They said, sure, you and your insurance paid for it. They gave me the plate and all the screws to keep.
That's so lame!!!! We got to keep most of my moms hardware from the second surgery
@LadyAlyxandrea they did let me watch it get removed, though. Which was way cool.
I had part of a vertabre removed. They would not let me keep it.
A tooth when I was a kid. The 2 kidney stones I had so far were sent off to a lab. Wouldn't want to keep them although I can see the novelty of keeping them in a pill bottle or something.
Fuckers won't let you anymore. I really want my skull but I haven't figured out a way to get it.
I've read stories of people from the distant past that saved severed limbs to bury with themselves when dead.
I have kept a few kidney stones that I have passed.
Ouch. Bastard things.
Not sure of the legalities. Most likely state to state. Although I believe anyone can keep their children's umbilical cords. I know a couple who had their children's umbilical cords frozen for possible stem cells if needed.
From what I've read it is not illegal once it's been confirmed not containing like, contagious or deadly stuff.
After my gallbladder was removed they gave me the stone in a plastic vial. Ugly as hell!
Wow! I asked to keep my gallbladder but it was too infected. No stones though
@LadyAlyxandrea this thing was about 1/4"" diameter, or bigger. The nurse(?) that brought it said some people make jewelry out of it......eeeewwwwwwww!
@AnneWimsey yeah I've heard that
I only had a few teeth, I tried to save the last one pulled but I lost it cleaning the car.
i would have liked to keep my gallstone but i was too messed up to remember to ask for it. I used to keep all my baby teeth. they are lost now.
I trim my nails often.
I did remove a wart thingy from my neck once, but it grew back. I think it was a Keloid.
I used a mirror and scalpel. i gave it to the cat.
Odd question BTW.
Not quite as odd as your answer lol
@LadyAlyxandrea It's called humour.