Is it not high time for a new political party actually invested in and committed to working in the best interests of we the people? Would you agree that both the left and right have failed us?
I don't think the problem is in the political parties per se, but rather in teh way political campaigns are financed. In order to raise the money to get elected, in order to raise enough money to win, they are pretty much coerced into selling out.
At this point, I'd say the republicans have pretty much sold out completely , while the democrats have only half sold out.
We could eliminate most of the issues of politicians not representing constituents, who aren't rich, or putting corporations before people, by having public funded elections, which would cost less than what is currently paid for "corporate welfare, not even counting special tax breaks and ear marks. If you included those in we'd save at least twice as much as elections cost, and probably more than three times as much.
There is a slim chance that election funding can be changed if democrats win big in 2020. If it doesn't happen... I mean changing the way elections are funded, not that democrats get a huge win, then the U.S. will continue to decline on the world stage.
Well put.
@SpikeTalon Althougyh Joe Biden does sometimes speak befor ehe thinks creatig a bit of a gaff, He is a politician who hasnt' used his position to enrich himself. I admire him for that. It also is an example of how not ll politicians are equally corrupt.
They certainly have failed us. Both sides are going off the deep end, more interested in their own tribalism than doing what’s right for the country.