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I believe most people on this site are liberal and probably democrats, not that it matters. Which are you, and why? Some people will say "Independent or neither", but there is no party or candidate. Answer below please.

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Grecio 7 Feb 22

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Conservative-leaning Libertarian.


I'm a British socialist!

Please tell us about British healthcare and finance. Do you live in UK?

@Grecio Yes I live in England

Me too, although I am a member of the SNP.It amuses me that Americans mostly view the world from their own political system.


I am anti-box for my political feelings. Do away with parties entirely. Let's vote on issues. Let's talk about issues. Let people run on issues. Fuck the Republican party. Fuck the Democratic party.


There certainly is strong movement beginning for socialism in our country. I can't say it's all bad. Our health-care system is totally unfair and most all of the wealth is in the hands of the super-rich.
As has been said before, capitalism is the worst form of finance in the world except for everything else.
A certain amount of socialism might be beneficial, at least to poor people. The health-care system should never been allowed to be in the hands of capitalist.
I guess Medicare and the social security system appear to be socialist programs anyway.
The idea came up about 3 decades ago to allow people 40 years of age to choose whether to stay in the SS system or get out. For everyone below 40, the SS system would become a private stock fund. Everyone over forty that chose to stay in the system would continue as in the past.Another idea is that the government would guarantee everyone a job. That sounds good but many people guaranteed a job will not work very hard.
According to Standsberry Research, our nation has become a pressure cooker for a financial crisis.


Why am I a liberal democrat--recently I boiled it down to "Because I'm a nice person" for some dim wit. I want everyone to have health care, I want humans & all animals to be treated with consideration & kindness, & I think government should exist to serve all its citizens.

To me conservatives & republicans are unkind, uncaring, selfish & arrogant. They are also way too bossy about things that are none of their business, like what other people do with their reproductive organs.

Carin Level 8 Feb 24, 2019

I wonder if Trump will have a challenger from the Republican party next election? I guess Trump could get beat out for the republican nomination?
One thing is sure, agnostics aren't republicans. maybe the republicans shout "I'm a Christian" too much.I don't think supporting limited abortion or even planned parenthood makes a person an agnostic.


I am socially liberal and financially responsible. I won't say conservative, because I am in favor of many social programs. But, I can't say financially liberal because there are plenty of ways I feel the federal government oversteps their bounds...


I looked back over the platform of the Democrats in 2016 and the issues listed are the ones I have cared about my entire adult life. I voted for Hillary Clinton with the expectation that she would surround herself with like-minded progressives and liberals. It was quite a blow to see her defeated by a con-man like Donald Trump who has no moral compass and has made it his mission to tear down just about every policy promoted by President Obama and the Democrats. But back to the platform of the Democrats and why I am a life long Democrat. The platform list is more extensive but I took the ones that matter the most to me. We Democrats support quality education that is affordable, no matter what your zip code, we support universal healthcare so nobody goes bankrupt over medical bills, we support good paying jobs that pay a living wage and a more unionized workforce, we want to create more clean energy jobs and promote a clean energy economy, we want to protect fair trade that benefits American workers and American industries, we want to end Citizens United so corporations cannot buy votes and influence the political process(One Person, One Vote), we want more government transparency and campaign finance reform, we fight for securing the rights of women in the workforce, reproductive rights, and affordable reproductive healthcare. Our party supports sensible gun control legislation and wants to do more to prevent gun violence and violence against women. As an atheist, I find that the Democrats have a wider umbrella and are more accepting of those of us seeking freedom from religion and ensuring citizens the liberty to live a secular life. Just as progressives are more accepting of multi-culturalism, social justice, and providing a more global, inter-connected worldview than conservatives.


You know what we need. National Agnostic Day!!! Maybe there is one, I just don't know it.

Good luck with that. We got morons that can't even accept Halloween.


If it turns out that most people on this site are liberal democrats, I wonder if that means anything. I guess most people here are agnostics, so it would appear that most agnostics are liberal and maybe democrats.However, we never hear a candidate trying to gain the votes of agnostics. There are now 2 Muslims in Congress. I wonder how many agnostics there are in Washington? There might be a lot more than will admit. I really wonder how many so called Christians actually believe that Adam and Eve, Noah, and Jesus stuff? There are probably a lot more agnostics and atheists in this country than will actually admit to it.

Well there are a lot of Catholics and Mormons, that's for sure. I suppose there must be a roster someplace so we can know these kinds of details. I'm going to go hunting for it.........

I was wrong about the Catholics AND the Mormons...mostly Protestants actually! []


I voted liberal-Democrat, but that party really doesn't represent my views very well as they are so corrupt and concerned only with the rich and corporations. I am more of a socialist in my political views and the only political party that really represents my views is the Green Party.

What exactly is the Green party other than good for environmentalism?

lb@Grecio In the US the Green Party is also very socialist on economic policy, LGBT rights, civil rights, supports immigrant rights, anti-war, supports public financing of all political campaigns and an end to the buying of elections, etc. Besides its environmental policies, the Greens are everything the Dems aren't as far as actually caring about ordinary people and opposing corporate control of the US. Unfortunately, they are unable to get anyone elected beyond the local level because they have so little funding and so few members, as well as being totally opposed by the corporate media.


I am a conservative, I guess. I like that Trump is trying to fix immigration. However, I believe in abortion during the first trimester, and in special circumstances like rape and disease. I like the idea of Medicare for all but I don't know how we can afford to pay for the program. I am an agnostic. I guess most republicans are Christian although 75 to 80% of people in this country identify as Christian (see Pew polls). I wonder if there are any republican Muslims?

@Maindawg You didn't have to call me stupid all though I won't argue that you might be correct. However, Trump was elected by the citizens of this country.

@Maindawg, @mzbehavin Thanks mz.

@Grecio No. Hillary won the popular vote. He was elected by the Electoral College.

@Maindawg Completely uncalled for. There's never a reason to negatively attack someone based on their beliefs. You can strongly disagree in a mature, productive manner.

@Orbit We might be the only country in the world where popular vote doesn't always win. The idea of changing the process comes up every time that situation happens, but nothing ever gets changed. Am I incorrect in saying that in some states, the popular winner receives all the electoral votes, some states split by proportion of their popular vote, and some delegates can vote for whomever they want? It seems kinda complicated for such a simple undertaking.

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