I am Brazilian, i would like to visit canada and USA, I've never seen snow in my life, and i would like to improve my english pronounce too.
some Brazilians told me that some of you do not like us, I wonder if it's true?
Snow stands for Shit No One Wants. Not missing anything.
There are always a few bigots anywhere, the only place I've ever heard specific anti Brasialian slurs were in New England.( Every immigrant community faces that obstacle unfortunately) I visited Brasil and loved it, Seattle is pretty open generally and is close to mountains with lots of snow.
I don't care where you live; I'll decide whether or not I like you based on your individual behavior and not your ethnicity, nationality, or skin shade. That said, unless you are an asshole; welcome.
By the way, I dislike your head of state almost as much as I do ours. I won't hold it against you, if you grant me the same courtesy.
the president of brazil said he admires president donald trump and donald trump is an example for him.
@Williamcristiano Do you have a link to support that?
@TheGreatShadow yes i have, here are.
Our tourism rate is down 7% because of our pendejo el Presidente`. Mostly we are not like him. So come & visit.
I see, the people are worried about imigration
I love Brazilian culture. I took a year of Brazilian Portuguese several years ago in college. Do not remenber most as I haven't used since then.
Muito obrigado!??
Come visit! Not all Americans are like the president
That would be wonderful
@Williamcristiano you are welcome in Arizona to see the grand canyon