Put your love glasses on!
""Positive Vibes"" Group "Michiganders" Group
Is that how you call yourseves? Hi. I'm a Marylander. Ma... mary.. rylardanian? I don't know. I feel sorry for folks from Massachusetts already.
Michiganders, Michiganians, or Michiganites are the most common names for people from Michigan. As a child I thought we were also called Wolverine's, but I think that originates from UofM.
Looked these up...
Massachusetts - Massachusettsan
Maine - Mainer, Maineiac
Don't be so jelaouse.
I want me a pair of them there glasses! ? My old ones are worn out!!!! ?
Right? I'm gonna make killing if I can get the patent. ?
@BeeHappy In these times? Absolutely ?