History will judge Mr. Trump and it will be harsh
Rebecca Traister:
In addition to being a demented lie, this is incredibly dangerous. The president is inciting violence against abortion doctors, clinic staff, patients, politicians and activists who support reproductive autonomy and justice.
Donald J. Trump:
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth....
The problem with tweets like this is that his supporters believe him. A couple of people have come up with ideas of mother and doctor deciding to execute babies after they are born and this is instantly taken as a Democratic political position. It's taken as the new accepted position on abortion and it simply is not so and is not happening. Some off the wall nutjob has this opinion and suddenly it is a Democratic political fact. Not so at all.
I'm pro choice and one of the first to admit that Dr. Kermit Gosnell is a murderer and should be doing life in prison. He would have gotten the death penalty except that plea deals were made. What Gosnell did has nothing to do with accepted pro choice ideas. Gosnell, staff, and patients committed murder. The pro life group thinks that if you do not believe as they do you must be wanting to kill babies. This is just not so. If you think that poor women are paying $350 and up to abort a baby rather than take birth control pills you lack the skills of logical thinking. In fact, many pharmacists will not prescribe a "morning after pill" because of their religious beliefs. They need another job.
Incredibly, there are some people who, for whatever reasons, believe that Democrats are in favor of murdering babies and are arguing about that here. So not to encourage them, here are a few relevant Twitter comments in rebuttal:
What you have on record is a tweet from Trump with no facts no evidence all you have is your blind belief that what he tweeted is truth unfortunately he doesn’t know the meaning of that word.
There is no such thing as abortion after birth & harming an infant is already a felony. This bill is about nothing more than creating soundbites for the campaign trail. Please educate yourselves on the facts.
There is no such thing as abortion up to the moment of birth. All abortions after 24 weeks, which comprise only 1% of all abortions, are done to save the life of the mother or the fetus is non-viable. Learn the facts.
As a Christian minister concerned with the well-being being of children, I can tell you that every part of this Tweet is a lie. No Democrat - or Republican - supports the murder of babies. This is vile language on the part of Mr. Trump, hoping he can change the subject fm Russia.
"This bill is not about protecting infants, as Republicans have claimed — because that is not up for debate and it is already the law," said Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.).
A baby without a circulatory system, kidneys, and lungs can’t be given love and guidance Ted. It needs palliative care so it can die in peace not be tortured with your religion.
@tman4usa , not all babies that are conceived manage to develop perfectly, some, are created & will not survive. I had a termination due to my baby being anencephalic (no brain or back of the head) it’s heart breaking all round, but it wil not survive! Common sense to terminate!
You are a desperate, pathetic liar. Go play with your dictator friend. The grownups are working.
Thanks, Jerry. You put that together so very well.