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"Meet the young people who believe they’re communicating with the dead

Why are some millennials turning to the supernatural?"


Jnei 8 Mar 3

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Oh millennials...

I suppose this is slightly better than opioids.

Hmm. I'm not convinced!

I guess nobody has died from an OD of gullibility, but I think mediums' preying on desperation and sorrow should be a criminal offense as well.


They are nutjobs. The Fox sisters admitted that the entire movement was a hoax, but people who accepted their outlandish claims of communicating with the dead refused to believe their much more reasonable repudiation.

JimG Level 8 Mar 3, 2019

Let's pretend...




When you believe in things that you don't understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain't the way


Without wading through all that ...I’m surrounded it by it, in of all places, a village in Appalachia 🙂 With numerous former and working communes, it’s become a mecca for the new-agers, or hippies unable to completely shake religion.

Up on the topics of the time, and definitely better educated than the longtime locals.. you can’t get far into a conversation before something ‘spiritual’ emerges, with that same ‘need to know your belief’ concern the locals have with their brand of old time religion. I navigate the crap, but it’s gets old.

And, many have infected their children with this crystalline, mythical, multi-life BS... From what I gather, they are so disappointed with the human condition they’re compelled to pretend there’s more… That they’re capable of achieving more importance than their often struggling existence would indicate.

I know them well.. They’ve the same closet full of skeletons as most having navigated life, but a persistent need to ‘believe’ there’s more, that they’d not make the same mistakes again, or that some ‘higher awareness’ will keep the youngers from making them to begin with. It’s a religion not wanting to be described as such. Though based on myth, it’s as flawed as the rest.

Varn Level 8 Mar 3, 2019

other cultures(Mexico,Philippines and south American)
are also vested in such beliefs.They know no better;
and all humans try to understand & fill in the blanks
of the purpose in life.


Necromancy is ancient, and will probably always be with us in some form or another. Because death severs relationships and people wonder about an afterlife it's inevitable that some will take the step of thinking they can communicate with deceased loved ones or dead people of significance.


We have to fill the gaps in. Its what humans do.


I don't know, what I do know is it's all a bunch of BS.

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