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Some people think tears are a sign of weakness. I don't.

bleurowz 8 Feb 28

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Some people think


Tears are wonderful, loving, painful and necessary.


No I can't help how I feel and don't think it is a sign of weakness. not that I give a fuck what people think.


Sometimes you need to let it out. Being told to "suck it up" (true in my case), helps no one.


People I work with think when I'm upset and I'm crying that I'm a weak person. I'm not, I'm just emotional. If I'm pissed off, I will cry too. I tend to let little things irritate me. I try to let it go. Today was one of those days. I had a rude customer and she didn't like our rule with a deal on food. I politely told her it, then she asked for my manager. She told her the same thing. This rude lady held up my line that was out the door. I wanted her gone. I was in a hurry and accidently spilled half of her no-salt medium fry in the bag. I wasn't going to wait a full 2:50 minutes for half a medium fry. I added salted fries to it. She saw and asked for my manager again. It was our rush and we were so busy. (When people want a no-salt fry, they just want a really hot fry. We serve hot fries though.) My other manager got her a medium fry, with salt and she left. Lol. She was a really rude customer to us. I didn't cry though. I wanted to say, "Take your shit and get out!" She saw how long our line was and went slower on a long-ass order.


Shit , if that was the case I would be highly overqualified !
I have always admired people that can openly express their feelings, whatever they are. Probably why I love being in theatre - all sorts of harmless drama ...


As an adult, it wasn't until I re-learned to cry that I became strong.


Neither do a good way to release emotional distress and show happiness..


In that case movies where a dog dies are my weakness and I don't think I want the kind of strength that makes me numb to that.


If I'm crying it does not mean I am weak it means I'm about to commit homicide from anger and the only think keeping someone from dying is those little wet drops of pure unfiltered rage seeping from my eyes


“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.” Washington Irving


It isn't a sign of weakness. It's a sign you've endured a great deal and could suffer more if necessary. That's a sign of strength.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 28, 2018
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