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The rich get richer, and bend the system to their will...

Felicity Huffman, Lori Loughlin among those charged in college admissions scandal


Ring of rich people arrested, charged with buying entrance to elite colleges, amounts up to $6 million.

Elganned 8 Mar 12

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how else could a brain dead imbecile like GWB ever be admitted to an ivy league college?


Well this isn’t new.
The rich and prominent have been bribing their kids into these elite schools forever.
It’s just that before the parents would pay for a dorm or other facility to be built and no one questioned whether or not W. Bush was actually smart enough to be there.

So for people like warren to be so outraged is kind of a “ really? “ type of reaction. But anyway I hope that these individuals get what they deserve.


Every one of these 'low-life' people convicted, and not all will be convicted (some will escape judgment because of either their 'fame' or their wealth), should end up in prison. Their children have stolen opportunity from other worthy but non-wealthy students. They corrupted some of the most prestigious colleges in the country.

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