Well, I did it. I emailed a highly-recommended lawyer today.
My ex and I did everything with just a paralegal, it only cost $ 500. dollars and we split that. Easy to do if you already both agree on everything.
I am an attorney. Have your attorney draft a marital settlement agreement or whatever they call it in your state. If you and your ex can come to terms it will save you a lot of money.
I think it’ll be pretty low contest. We agree on custody and the house and neither is seeking spousal support.
@brainyactress all the more reason to do a marital settlement agreement.
@mooredolezal That’s what I’ll ask for. See if it rings for GA.
@mooredolezal Thanks
@brainyactress sure. If we ever meet you can pay me back with a big kiss (if you want to).
@brainyactress ??? She's thinking about it!!! She's thinking about it!!!
I remember the day I contacted a divorce attorney. Was so nervous. I paid $200 for the consultation, and then didn't really follow her advice, nor use her to represent me. Thinking my ex-husband would be fair, I figured we could just do the divorce ourselves. Well, I was wrong. I lost most of what should have been my share of our assets, due to my naiveté. Don't make my mistake. Hire an attorney, even if you don't feel you can afford it.
@ToolGuy I just think that maybe an attorney would have found the money taken from the joint account (proceeds from the sale of our house) which he must have put into an individual account, if any was left after he gave an undisclosed amount to an online dating scammer, and pressed for a fair share of the retirement account.
Perhaps a mediator would have been the way to go, but I didn't know of that option so many years ago. I went blindly into it, not realizing he had been coached to keep some funds from me. I just wanted out - and sooner rather than richer is what I ended up doing - just to be done.
First big step towards a brand new chapter of your life - and this is where the story starts getting better.
Good luck. I did my own divorce. If there are sums of money involved or property and children you most certainly should use an attorney.
Yeah getting advice at least since we have a child.