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Is anyone else, like me, experiencing a thousand little annoyances in the past few days... Things not working or breaking, appointments forgotten, things missing, etc?

I was saying to someone this morning.... "Can anything else go wrong?" And a thought crossed my mind. I wonder if Mercury is retrograde right now.

Well I was right. Mercury is retrograde and all of this is to be expected. Combine that with today being The Ides of March, and you have a double whammy.

Here's an excerpt from the article below: "Do not sign contracts. Do not buy electronics, or anything with moving parts or gears. Do not be surprised if the mail is screwed up, or something goes awry when you’re in transit. And be mindful: You’re liable to forget something, like your glasses or phone."

So now you know 🙂


TheoryNumber3 8 Mar 15

Enjoy being online again!

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We all go randomly through the face you're going. But that's life, ups and downs, goods and bads, fast and slow, we cannot control that.


As a follow up to my post, I did something last night that I never do. I left the house for the evening without my phone

Damn you Mercury! Turn yourself around!


Interesting read article. Thanks for sharing it

Unity Level 8 Mar 16, 2019

Astrology is pure bunkum, it's Murphy's Law that rules here, i.e. " It's such a great day, just watch some thing or bastard come along and screw it up."


The center has held for me since Monday. That's about as good as it gets.

So much for the Ides of March or retrograde Mercury I guess.


My whole week has gone that way. Sorry that yours has too but misery does love company 😛


My first thought was, no. it a bit more thought’s still no. With our full moon having less gravitational pressure on us than a mosquito landing on our shoulder … distant planets appearing to move backward as they ‘revolve around us’ would have ..none.

Surely, you jest 😀

Varn Level 8 Mar 15, 2019

It's in no way scientific but there is strong anecdotal evidence to support it 🙂

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