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all of does believed in God show your god to me

CharlsYuan 2 Mar 17

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In America, and Xianity in particular, doctrinal purity over rides things like morality and integrity.


Do you SEE the very EMPTY space in my photo below, that IS a picture of God taken in the early Bronze Age by my camera which didn't even exist much like God didn't even exist either.


Showing god in America is like opening your wallet.


Truth is a payless land.


Thats rather sexist

@Amisja Q: What should I do if I see someone being disrespectful to a member or individual instead of ideas?

A: Please go to the member's profile page and click the "flag" icon. We will take appropriate steps. For our policies, click here. If a member is being annoying, you can also just block them by clicking the “ Block” link on their profile page or entering their name here. If you do that, you won’t see any of their posts and they won’t see yours. To unblock someone, click on the "gear" icon at the top of the page and then click the "Blocked" tab. You should be able to get to their profile page from there and can click "Unblock" link.

@CallMeDave Pardon me?

@Amisja in other words, Don't let the door hit you too hard on your way out.

@CallMeDave I understand your words, however I am entitled to call this what it is. Why post a picture of a very young, barely covered woman? She is young enough to be your child. This is posted in an academic area, not a sexy pics group. It is not acceptable.

@Amisja Yes but as the question asked, she may well be his god/godess. ( No scrub that. Go for it Amisja; the pleasure of seeing a Lancastrian in full attack mode is just too much to miss.)

@Amisja you are entitled to your opinion, and the adminstration has given you the tool you need.

@CallMeDave Which I will not use. I do not need to block people I do not agree with. I must say though, this is demeaning to 50% of this site. She is not a goddess, she is a young woman being exploited for her body. Post your disrespectful photos elsewhere.

@Amisja Er, FYI, for centuries upon centuries BEFORE the coming of the Hebrew/Judaeo-Christian Theosphy WOMEN/FEMALES were worshipped and adored as Goddesses in their own right since they were the source of LIFE itself.
Ergo, why shouldn't they be considered as something worthy of the greatest of admiration?

@Triphid seriously?

@Amisja Yes, seriously, it's an Archeologically proven fact.


I think I's mine 🙂

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