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Every damn night ? ? ?

Capricorn 6 Mar 20

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No, No, No. My pussy was always a very well behaved pussycat.


I like cats but I'm allergic to them. They make my eyes itch and water and if I am exposed too long I start to get coughy. (yes, coughy!) I am currently house sitting at the moment and my companions include 2 cats (Chloe and Casper) and a dog (Jess female). I love them all but I am limited to just one chair (when watching TV) that isn't covered in cat hair and where he (Casper) can't join me on it. Poor baby but this picture represents my seating arrangements right now. ????

Dang sounds like your struggle is real, I'm am ocd about cleaning Sages cat hair luckily the coconut oil I put in her water reduced her shedding tremendously

@Capricorn Wow, coconut oil. That's interesting and it works?


My Milo is pretty good, he's slept in his own bed since I'd had him about 2 months; I think he was just scouting for the right spot. When I try to have a lazy morning, however, he's somehow capable of expanding himself across an entire double bed in the time it takes to boil the kettle and to put him out some food!

ChazH Level 4 Mar 20, 2019

Lol Sage will wait until I'm knocked out and get all up in my personal space, I can't count how many times I've slapped her, kicked her, rolled over on her- put my pillow over head, you'd think by now she'd stay away but nope ?????


Cats.... They think they own the place! They get eaten out here. Hawks and eagles... They don't stand a chance.

Oh no, poor cats ?

@Capricorn It is the cycle of life in the woods. My neighbor goes through barn cats every few months.


I sleep here...

Hahaha nothing like having to slither out of bed without waking the pets


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