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Any former christians on here still struggle from deprogramming your minds. I was enlightened a few years ago and can see clearly now how it was all bullshit but a part of me still thinks i'm going to hell for thinking this way.

abyers1970 7 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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How can you go to a place that doesn't exist!


It can take a while. The best remedy is to read everything you can about how to think scientifically, and about how evolution works in particular. Changing a belief is one thing, but fortifying that change with knowledge is another thing entirely. It speeds the progress. Best wishes.

skado Level 9 Mar 21, 2019

The first step that i took was watching "Christian Dilemmas" on Youtube. The people in there just kept pounding fact after fact after fact as to why it wasn't true. So i either had to use my common sense brain or stay in fairytale land. I decided then that you can't fight facts and that christianity was just like other religions and myths. I remember thinking how crazy it was for a muslim to believe that Mohammed flew to heaven on a winged horse yet it normal to think that a donkey could talk in the bible or ellijah flew to heaven in a whirlwind then i realized that my thinking was just as crazy as their thinking


Hell only exists here, and for the most part we make our own. One doesn't go to hell, one can only escape the hell created here.

Don't fear the imaginary, that's how religion controls you.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 21, 2019

You are just afraid of dying.


Hugs, you'll be fine. You are safe here.

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