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According to this woman, men cannot fart any more . . .

THHA 7 Mar 24

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It's early, yet I have the feeling this will be the stupidest argument for, well, anything I'll hear today - and I haven't hit Facebook yet.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 24, 2019

I can’t take that seriously.


I think this is poorly articulated but I do understand this. You have to understand that normal bodily functions were often seen as 'unladylike' and if you were 'guilty' of such then as a woman you were looked upon in a very negative way. For example my grandma said that ladies do not sweat...they glow. Being in a position to fart (as a child I was not even allowed to use that word), sweat or burp men are more free. Continuing the notion that these natural behaviours are immoral for women does already place us at a disadvantage. As my 20 year old lad says, 'wow its crap being a woman'. This in turn perpetuates the inequality.
I also think there is a slight cultural difference here as certainly class plays a part in this. Something that perhaps does not affect Americans and Australians as much as it does for Brits.


That is A Single Feminist.

Kindly do not label every Feminist because one has gone off her nutter.

Regards - the rest of the Feminists - who know people fart.


Wow, sorry, but this just stinks of BS to me. Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill. Or would that instead be "don't make a Hindenburg out of a bit of flatulence"?!?


um... I try not to let mine be heard, if possible... what does that say about those of us who feel the same?

P.S. I wish more of us felt the same about this not being heard farting thing... regardless of gender.

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