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There are things outside this place I brought in with me.

It was not healthy.

It did not make me happy.

Worst of all I allowed it to interfere with the happiness of others.

Alas we are too soon old and too late smart.

Forgive me my trespasses here.

GnosticLove 5 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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The key for me was getting the ugliness of life over early, as in childhood.. Not my choice, but in comparison, now feels like a kiddie coaster ride ~

Varn Level 8 Mar 24, 2019

Life has conflict, and unreasonablness, and shit that sticks with you no matter where you go.

To expect you to leave everything at the door would be sheer folly on everyone's expectations, including yours.

To learn about someone you need to see both their good side and bad, as everyone has both, and hiding one side is lying to everyone.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 24, 2019

Man, that is poetry!

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