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An idealized view of science is that theories are accepted or rejected based solely on empirical evidence. In fact, science is not simply an objective search for truth, but also a social process, in which proponents of a theory must convince other scientists, through logic and argumentation, of how evidence should be interpreted.

However, this process advantages incumbent theories over challengers for a number of reasons, including confirmation bias, social proof, ideological complacency, and the vested interests of scientists whose reputations and even sense of self are tied to existing theories. A consequence is scientific inertia, where weak or ill-founded theories take on a life of their own, sometimes even gaining momentum despite evidence that puts their veracity in doubt.

Matias 8 Mar 24

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Money talks when it comes to science, big time.


Goddamned science having to be conducted by flawed humans and their institutions. BRING ON OUR COMPUTER OVERLORDS!

1of5 Level 8 Mar 24, 2019
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