Gun deaths among school-age children have increased in the last decade. A study published Thursday in the American Journal of Medicine found that 38,942 kids aged 5 to 18 were fatally shot in the United States between 1999 and 2017. The authors noted a steep rise in deaths among black children beginning in 2013. The study’s lead researcher put the toll in perspective: “In 2017, there were 144 police officers who died in the line of duty and about 1,000 active-duty military throughout the world who died, whereas 2,462 school-age children were killed by firearms.” ICYMI: Our “Since Parkland” project profiled 1,200 kids aged 18 and younger killed by guns in the United States in the year after the Parkland shooting.
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Tragic is too small of a word. Thanks and prayers are not going to cut it. We can do better.